Hans Hollenbach "nude" mixed media on canvas

€ 3.750,00

Oil paint and spray paint on canvas painting by the Dutch artist Hans Hollenbach from 1963


Hans Hollenbach was an important representative of the Rotterdam Pop Art artists who were inspired by the American Pop Art movement in the 1960s. He often shared exhibition spaces with other Rotterdam Pop Art artists, including Jacob Zekveld. In addition to his painting, he was also active in spatial art, using materials such as plastic and metal. Hollenbach was also inspired by American abstract expressionism, which resulted in larger canvases. Until the early 1970s, Hollenbach exhibited regularly at home and abroad and carried out various commissions. His work can be found in various national and international collections of companies, institutions and private individuals. After 1970, however, things became quiet around Hollenbach, partly due to personal problems. Nevertheless, he is remembered as a very promising and talented artist with his own recognizable signature, who unfortunately died at too young an age.